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OEN Bibliography Database

Acknowledgments and Thanks

The Old English Newsletter Bibliography was produced from 1975 to 2000 by Carl Berkhout of the University of Arizona; this site is a gesture of appreciation for his invaluable work, and would have been impossible without his care, diligence, and precision. The Bibliography is now produced by a variety of volunteers. Their work continues the tradition of excellence begun by Professor Berkhout, and their cooperation and support are gratefully acknowledged.

The Old English Newsletter is published for the Old English Division of the Modern Language Association by the English Department of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. For many years it was produced by the Richard Rawlinson Center for Anglo-Saxon Studies and Manuscript Research at the Medieval Institute of Western Michigan University, and the editors gratefully recognize the dedication, service and expertise of Professor Paul Szarmach, OEN’s longtime Editor and Publisher.

The annual OEN Bibliographies are copyright © The University of Massachusetts, and are used with permission. The form, structure and operations of the database are copyright © Steve Harris. Security routines were adapted with permission from PhpSecurePages.

A description of the database’s structure, and a cautionary narrative detailing the editor’s efforts to construct this site, has been published in the online journal Digital Medievalist, and can be found here.

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