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OEN Bibliography Database

What is in the OEN Bibliography Database

The OEN Bibliography Database currently contains over 23,000 records, the annual bibliographies from 1973 to 2009. New items are added annually, after they have appeared in the annual Year’s Work in Old English Studies published in OEN. The Bibliographies report on research related to Anglo-Saxon England—books, articles, and reviews on literature, language, history, art, archaeology, onomastics, and other topics.

This online version uses a more complex system of categories than those found in the Old English Newsletter; each entry is assigned a place in one of several hierarchical list of headings and sub-headings, e.g., “Literature > poetry > Beowulf > Sources and Analogues” or “Manuscripts > Bible > Psalters > Vespasian.” (click on Finding Entries at left for more details).

Like most internet projects, this site is a work in progress. When we have noticed omissions, gaps, errors, repetitions, and oversights, we have tried to correct them. We would be grateful for any further corrections, notices of new entries, and suggestions for improvements to the database; to send an email, click Contact Us at left.

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